Sunday, May 07, 2006


Counting counts
But tell the strings
and their pullers:
It hurts

You're watched what you
You're lashed what you
You be tossed in-between
Greatest harm?
The hurt of retrospect.

Wow! Just dare a world without them figure-crunchers! Can we, should you? Hey, seek ye company elsewhere. The guys figure that out yonks ago, and kept everyone - thus, everything - on the quest. Come off it, don't we seek and yearn for money?!

Now, our world is tied to them figures: credit, debit, hire purchase, banking, ratings, lottery, stocks, etc. Managers must watch it. Boards are bashed or bannered by it. And nations reel under its lure, its influence: figuring out the FIGURES.

From politicians to priests, from researchers to revellers, we now take polls or posters serious when they tie figures in: posperity or penury, not so much posterity! The now mentality.

So, figures get priority. They're earned or deferred or cooked or conjured! What a time to be leader or looter, manager or damager! As for values, they claim value-added. Not that value, if you see what I count - your grandmother's preachments!

Bless Accountants. And Accounting.

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