Saturday, February 24, 2007

PayDay Blues

Is it time
Let's see the winds
and your whirlwind-dues
Is it time
Let's hear the tunes
and your whirlwind-strings
Is it time
Let's read the tome
of your whirl-wild-world

Fry, it may be tall
Cry, it may be fall
Trip, it may all come...
dashing, alas

If it be time - dreary, cheery -
it's pay as you go
earn as we come
Is it time
Ask thee at dawn!

When you do the mathematics of life, it hardly adds up smugly. No matter. What matters is our role and our place.

This season, Americans, Britons and Nigerians must know what I mean!

It is the Dawn-of-Asking in not a few lands!!

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